comments -
1.Valrhona is good not because of the machines themselves but rather because they are put to use. And that is only part of it.
2. In the end, Valrhona bon bons might not receive the same personal attention as those made by France's best artisans, but I'd eat them anytime.
3. Valrhona is an odd duck for a corporate subsidary. It was founded in 1924, by the father of Olivier Deloisy, who now owns La Chocolatiere de L'Opera, a Franch company that sell products that are made to specifications by Chocovic in the Catalonian mountains of Spain.
4. The Valrhona product range runs heavily to chips and chunks for big time bakers. But its real pride is a collection of origin - specific chocolates.
5. For chocolate lover's tha Valrhona approach has turned out to be good news. In 1991, an affable Italian perfectionist named Alessio Tessieri visited the plant. His family had a thriving business selling ingredients to Italian bakers. Valrhona made no excuses for why they were not interested in any dealings with Alessio and his family. They trusted no one that wasn't From France.
Questions -
1. What makes Valrhona so much better than its competitors?
2. Why do countries like Denmark and Italy want access to Valrhona chocolate as opposed to others?
3. Why do the French feel other countries are not worthy of Valrhona chocolate?
4. What bakers use Valrhona chocolates and are they sold everywhere including the United States?
Vocabulary -
1. Sanctum - an inviolably private place or retreat.
2 .Artisans - A skilled manual worker; a craftsperson.
3. affable - pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly; cordial; warmly polite.
Literary terms -
1. Setting - Valrhona plant France.
2. Exposition - A tour of the Valrona plant and a meeting with an Italian businaess man trying to form a partnership.
Outline - Valrhona is not unlike Willie Wonka as the mystery surrounding the chocolates makes them more enticing to the public.Other countries have tried to become part of the Valrona company but are denied because of Frances strong distrust of others.Valrona remains one of the finest chocolatiers in the world.
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