Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Einstein Theory of Relativity

The Einstein Theory of RelativityBy Prof. H.A. Lorentz of the University of Leyden
Comments -
1.The perihelion of Mercury shows a discrepancy which has long puzzled astronomers.
2. At the time when he published his theory, this was its only experimental verification.
3.Einstein's theory required that the light should be deflected just twice as much as what modern physicists thought.
4. The matter could only be tested during an eclipse among a number of stars.
5. There has been a tendency to overlook the third experimental theory to which Einstein's theory was to be subjected.
Questions -
1. What is the discrepancy of Mercury?
2. How was the light deflected ?
3. How did Einstein know it took twice as much of a deflection?
4. Why was an eclipse necessary to test the theory?
Vocabulary -
1.perihelion -the point in the orbit of a planet or comet at which it is nearest to the sun. 2. discrepancy - the state or quality of being discrepant; difference; inconsistency.
3.verification - the process of research, examination, etc., required to prove or establish authenticity or validity.
Literary Terms -
setting - space
exposition - The test to verify the theory involved an eclipse.
Outline -
Einstein's theory was proved through experimental verification. He needed an eclipse to prove this.

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