Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Einstein Theory of Relativity

The Einstein Theory of RelativityBy Prof. H.A. Lorentz of the University of Leyden
Comments -
1. What way Einstein had to follow is now apparent.
2. Therefore he made it his own so to arrange the theory that, no matter how the choice was made, the phenomena of gravitaion.
3. Whether this aim could be attained, remarkably enough and we may say to the surprise of Einstein himself although at the cost of considerable simplicity in the mathematical form.
4. Now, there was a difficulty in the movement of the planet Mercury which could not be solved.
5. Still more remarkable because it has a bearing upon a phenomenon which formerly could not be imagined.
Questions -
1. Was EInstein's way the only way to prove the theory?
2.Was gravity the major point to prove the theory?
3. What was the difficulty that Mercury presented?
4.What led Einstein to areas that until now were not imagined?
Vocabulary -
1.accord -to be in agreement or harmony; agree.
2. immovably -incapable of being moved; fixed; stationary
3. phenomena -something that is impressive or extraordinary.
Literary Terms -
exposition - Einsteins theory couild only be proven by following one path.
setting - space
Outline -
Einstein's theory could only be proven by using this one method. Mercury created a great difficulty in proving the theory.

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