Friday, May 1, 2009

Cat's Cradle

1. “But back to August 6, 1945. My sister Angela has told me many times that I really hurt my father when I wouldn’t admire the cat’s cradle.”
2. “After wounding my father so terribly, if that’s what I did, I ran out into the yard.”
3. “Angela was one of the unsung heroines of the atom bomb, incidentally, and I don’t think the story has ever been told.”
4. “When Angela got me out from under the bush, she asked me what had happened between father, and me.”
5. “I don’t blame Angela for stopping me. Father was all she had.”
1. As the father really hurt by Newton not wanting to play with him or was he looking for admiration?
2. Why doesn’t Newton feel that he hurt his father?
3. Why was Angela approached when her father stopped working on the bomb?
1. Tormentor-a person or thing that torments
2. Overestimate-to hold in too great esteem or to expect too much from
3. Apathies-lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
Literary terms-
1. Setting-Ilium, NY
2. Exposition- Newton questions his father’s motives as well as his feelings.
1. Newton talks about how he wasn’t sure of his father’s reaction to him not wanting to play with him. He also tells of his siblings’ ages and problems due to the mother’s death at his birth.

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